''During the Mentelity Games, I really felt like myself.''
''I skied for the first time in my life and what a fantastic experience it was. The Mentelity Games have given my confidence boost. I now know that I can do much more than I think I can.''
Floor joined the Mentelity Games through a call on Facebook from We Roll. ''I saw a call on Facebook to participate in a contest to win a free ticket. I thought I'll never win this anyway and I don't dare at all. So I decided to let the message pass me by. A few days later I saw the message again and then I thought, I'll just give it a try. This opportunity is so special so why don't I just respond?'
And then there came that one message: you get to go to the Mentelity Games. ''I thought that was great, but also very exciting. I don't often travel far. I went to the Mentelity Games with my mother. The experiences started on the bus trip. Here you already get to know so many new people. It was also my first time in the snow. In the Netherlands I have been horseback riding for about ten years, but I had never done skiing. That was quite a switch. The first time going down the mountain with the zitski at full speed was so special. We went so fast and that was very cool.''
''During the lesson days, I learned a lot about seated skiing. But not only that, I also learned a lot about myself. First, by pushing my limits by going far on a journey. I have also learned that I can do much more, than I think myself. The Mentelity Games have given me such a confidence boost. I would push my own limits much faster now in the Netherlands. I will definitely take that home with me and my goal for now is to also go out of my comfort zone in the Netherlands and just do it!''
''You get to be who you are at the Mentelity Games. It was so much fun with the group. The atmosphere was fantastic. I don't often get together with people who are also in wheelchairs. In the Netherlands I am often stared at, but here I could really be myself. A week never to forget!
Do you want to get involved for another person?
To ensure that many people like Floor can participate in the Mentelity Games again next year, a special event has been created: the 12-hour Challenge. Teams of 3 people take on the challenge of skiing or snowboarding in relay for 12 hours. The teams raise money through crowdfunding. From these proceeds the Mentelity Games will be financed.